How to Order CrystalMaker
CrystalMaker is sold throughout the world, by:-
CrystalMaker Software
P.O. Box 183
Oxfordshire, OX6 7BS, U.K.
Telephone/Fax: +44 1869-369393
We accept payment in U.S. dollars (USD) or pounds sterling (GBP), via cheque, international money order, or bank transfer. We also accept advance payment by VISA/Mastercard/JCB credit cards (billing amount must be in pounds sterling, GBP).
We require advance payment for personal orders. Please mail a cheque in U.S. dollars or pounds sterling to CrystalMaker Software. Alternatively, if you wish to pay by bank transfer, please contact us and we will gladly send you our bank details.
If you wish to pay by credit card (VISA, Mastercard or JCB credit card), please fax your card details to us at +44 1869-369393. We require the following information: (1) name on card; (2) billing address; (3) credit card type; (4) card number; (5) expiry date; (6) your signature. Please note that the billing amount must be in POUNDS STERLING (GBP).
Important: VAT for European Union customers. If you do not supply a VAT number at the time of ordering, we are obliged to add VAT at the U.K. rate of 17.5%.
Your order will be shipped as soon as payment is confirmed.
We require an official purchase order - which you can mail, fax, or e-mail to us. Please remember to include shipping & billing addresses. (European customers: please remember to include your VAT number, otherwise we are obliged to add VAT at the U.K. rate of 17.5%).
Alternatively, you can pay by corporate credit card (VISA, Mastercard or JCB credit card). Please fax your card details to us at +44 1869-369393. We require the following information: (1) name on card; (2) billing address; (3) credit card type; (4) card number; (5) expiry date; (6) your signature. Please note that the billing amount must be in POUNDS STERLING (GBP).
We will ship your order as soon as we receive the purchase order/ We will invoice you; our terms are 30 days net.
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